Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Ilhéus – Bahia – Brazil, the cooperative links tourism to social and environmental projects, contributing to the community to reduce poverty and promoting the socio-economic development. The cooperative, has around 50 collaborators members and volunteers and a staff of 5 employees. Thepromotion of our events and activities is mainly done through social networks and stakeholders.
CooperbomTurismo is affiliate to Brazilian Cooperative Organization and other national agencies. Our organization created the Umbrella Programme aiming to make the local and regional NGOs become stronger contributing more efficiently to the sustainable development of the communities.
Core values, mission and philosophy of the organization
As a cooperative organization, social development is our principalaim. Working as a coordinating organization in volunteering projects contributes to build bridges in this process of ecological and socio-economic development.
Mission – Promote development and human sustainability,tourism, cultural tradition, sports, leisure and social interaction, using the co-operative principles and social ecology.
View – Be a national and international reference as a cooperativeof social inclusion based in sustainable tourism and ecologic-social responsibility.
/ Appreciation and respect for human beings
/ Strengthen cooperation
/ Practicing tourism with environmental, cultural and social
/ Fidelity to the co-operative principles